Hey everyone!
Its sunday, finally!! I have drafted this post since Monday but never actually got around in posting em. You don't realise how much a person works and shares a workload until you find them gone, something I am going through with my Manager gone for 10 days leave.
Coming back to the post, I have always felt not every body is right for every trend. I always thought some factors like age, height, size mattered. I stand here corrected, because harem pants are flattering to all body frames and ages. You can't help but love this light, easy-to-wear- style every opportunity you get. Slip into pair of these and you would never want to take them off, they are that comfy and versatile. For example, had I paired my pant with a simple tee and a flat, I would have looked aptly dress to run some errand. Since they are loose-ish, they scream casual all over. Add a pair of heel, minus that tee and pair em with some tight, curve revealing top not like I have one ( story of my life haha) and voila you are a chick ready to P-A-R-T-Y !! From all style frames of harem pants I like cigarette pants and Culottes, especially culottes as they have been kicking ass of every sister trends of Harem pants. I bought few nice culottes from Zara India, you guys should definitely check em out ( click
here )
Giuseppe Zanotti and Kanye West collaborated to design these calf sandals with pearl embroidered on details. They priced it $5000 because well he is Kanye and he thinks he is influential enough to run for Presidency (hahaa) and maybe they forgot what 5K means for we moguls. We moguls have our own solution and we replicate the perfect Replica , can hardly sue us for that( hahaa) . His Yeezy 350 are beautiful and maybe only Yeezy edition I can afford. I will wear em soon on my blog.

This year has been a bad year with natural disasters and some men-made. Flights have gone missing, earthquakes and floods affecting millions. Aylan Kurdi incident was the saddest of all, I feel humanity failed him and many others like him. This year we have seen many Terrorist attacks and its really saddening to see these brutal actions by humans, we don't have to look for mythical monsters but just look around and maybe in mirror. Degree of cruelty we human can do, puts me into shame. I just hope there is stop to this madness of a war in Syria and salute all the countries helping the refugees. 9-11 anniversary being just 2 days ago, I salute all those who lost lives making this world a better place and those who are still trying. You can't help but thank god for being born in Bhutan where a burglary and few cases of forgery are often nation's big news. Bhutan have had their down moments but nothing catastrophic like rest of the world. I felt like writing these stuffs for peace of my mind, to know everyone that I am grateful but are you? we should stop complaining things Government don't do for you but instead appreciate things they do, things you and me take for granted are the only things some people need in other side of the globe.

xoxo, Pant : ASOS ( click
C. Top: Sydney
Heels : GZ inspired